Two iconic pillars of French industry are proud to announce a long-term partnership at international boat show, Boot Düsseldorf.
BENETEAU and Alpine, the high-end sport speciality brand and BWT Alpine Formula One Team, will collaborate on a series of projects destined to enhance each brands' dedication to innovation through design and excellence in quality. Firmly anchored by their world-beating heritage, combining over two hundred years of expertise under the famous tricolour banner, BENETEAU and Alpine are now poised to redefine the flair of luxury, sport design and drive a new generation of thrill seekers towards an ultimate style.
This co-branding partnership will provide Alpine and BENETEAU owners and distributors exclusive access to special events and offers. This partnership extends to the Alpine Cars and BENETEAU product range and will result in upcoming, limited-edition collaborations that will be announced later in the year.
Spearheaded by the Grand Prix winning BWT Alpine Formula One Team, Alpine’s motorsport DNA and automotive product plan matches with BENETEAU's ambition.
The yacht builder’s worldwide leadership and investment in a new range is aligned to propel these two icons of French industry and technological expertise on a path to reinforce their design-oriented thinking and become the reference in their respective fields.